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Being More Pirate

Writer's picture: Michelle MinnikinMichelle Minnikin

Ammar Mirza CBE, Sam Conniff Allende and Me.

Last summer I came across this amazing book... Be More Pirate by Sam Conniff Allende and subsequently became a little fanatical about the messages it contained. I first listened on Audible and have bought 5 copies of the actual book - I kept giving them away!! I have a signed one now, that's not being handed out! (But I also now need to buy another one to scribble in!)

I love this book as it is a rallying cry for rebellious people who are fed up with the general dickishness (I realise that is not a word!) of the modern world, businesses and employers and want to do better, do good and make the world a better place in their own way. He gives people confidence to be different, be braver, not be afraid to take on the ‘big boys’, be more innovative, weaponise their stories and essentially Be More Pirate. My favourite line in this book goes something along the lines of… “rebel, rewrite, reorganise, redistribute, retell, the 5 Arrrrrrs!” Makes me giggle like an idiot every time.

Anyway, I had literally been harping on about being a pirate for months - much to the amusement / possible horror of everyone around me. I'm sure people were thinking that I had finally lost my marbles. Apart from my 9-year-old, who thought it was ace!!

So, I was totally ignoring the advice in the book which said that a load of the world's problems could be solved with a little less Instagram and a little more action...

I was on on Instagram and I saw Sam put a post on about receiving a standing ovation after delivering his talk somewhere down south.

In a proper case of shy bairns get nowt... and with absolutely nothing to lose, I popped a little comment on his post asking him when he will be book touring in Newcastle.

To my utter delight Sam agreed to come to visit us in Newcastle. I got a little pirate crew together (Mandy Barker from Sail Creative my coach Laura Mason at the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator) and we agreed we could use the venue we have there.

NatWest kindly paid for the delicious Caribbean food from Ryan McVay from The Calabash Tree and a load of rum! Caroline Dixon from Holgate HR bought a load of Prosecco. And Sam provided the


We arranged for all proceeds from ticket sales went to The PIE Project - The Primary Inspiration though Enterprise Mission is to build effective business education links to support the development of young people and strengthen communities. We raised £880!

So on 7th Feb Sam and his Right-Hand-Pirate Alex came to talk to me and 90ish Entrepreneurs and Pirates. And, it was

epic!! Sam spoke for a good 90 minutes on all things Golden Age of Pirate and inspired the shit out of us all!! Of course he had a standing ovation too - we know how to party in Newcastle!

Sam made a rallying to us all call to just go and just get stuff done despite those little voices in our heads that may be comparing us to others and not thinking we're good enough! We have a duty and responsibility to make the world a better place. There is a vacuum of good leadership across the world and so we need to rise up and challenge authority, break some rules, create communities, be role-models for the people around us and for our kids - our future leaders!

We are all still plotting and conspiring to see what else we can do with this message and this 'movement', how we can cause more good trouble and make the world a better place! It is seriously exciting.

Watch. This. Space!!


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